adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok
adidas Originals Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok

For the introduction of the adidas Originals Nite Jogger, Sneakersnstuff connected with Berlin-based musician Mechatok. The young producer has already stacked-up release on labels such as Public Possession and Staycore as well as performing his melodic sound between Tokyo and Berghain on the regular. To highlight the release, we visited the producer at home and took him for a spin around Berlin.

The adidas Nite Jogger was once introduced in 1976 as the first adidas sneaker designed solely for running at night. Its reflective elements were new, and something never seen before. Today, adidas is bringing the running silhouette back to life, updating and re-interpreting the ‘80s trainer with up-to-date materials and the latest technology to create true night vision. When the sun falls, the Nite Jogger reveals its secrets, just as Mechatok and his creativity.

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Video & images by Gustav Stegfors Music by Mechatok

adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok
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SNS: Hi Mechatok, we have come to know, that before you started producing you were classically trained to play the guitar, did that help you to become a producer and where do you take your inspiration from? Mechatok: I think my classical training and playing the guitar has helped to develop an intuition and helped me to hear things a bit differently. A great source of inspiration for me is definitely mainstream pop. That's a thing for me, even though I do not think it's the best music or consume it personally, it's a fascinating field of music, and all the time I try to create a different angle with my music or create a minimal version of it.

SNS: Why is it that pop music inspires you that much? M: I always find it very inspiring even if I do not like the songs and even if I am not aware of the song. I'm getting out of the cab and I still hear that melody in my head. This manipulative virus effect of radio music is appealing to me that I would like to transfer to music that is not somehow banal and that gives you something more, except that it is contagious, so to speak.

adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok

SNS: Do you want your music to be contagious? M: Absolutely

SNS: When listening to your music we found it to be very diverse, from melodic to techno. Where does that come from that you produce so diverse and broadly? M: I have been playing the guitar since I was 12 or 13 years old, even my producing is now 5 to 6 years old. It was just not very visible to the outside world. Back then it was more about imitating what I liked, and over the years I found my own aesthetics. You can't ignore the fact that you're influenced by some kind of industrial and Berlin techno as well as EdBanger and Justice and French pop stuff, because that's all part of you. That's kind of my 13/14-year-old me up to my 21 years old me.

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adidas Originals Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok Music
adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok

SNS: You moved from Munich up to the Berlin. What is Berlin for you today? How does it inspire you and how vital is it to live here? M: Berlin was definitely an important decision in my life, because suddenly I was in an environment in which I quick connected to the rest of the world. There is this circulation of people who are here and then leave again, so I came in contact with many people that interest me, and with whom I would like to collaborate. Aesthetically Berlin doesn’t inspire me in the sense that I want to produce rough and dark music. I think it's cool to do the opposite, because it is so fucked up sometimes, so gray and dirty, then to create small luminous jewels of music that are almost the opposite and contrasting. There are Arabic lamp stores here at Sonnenallee that are full of lamps and diamonds and weird glass-things in all shapes and colors, and it's just that. The Sonnenallee is super crowded and full of trash and people are always screaming, and there's a car accident or whatever, and in-between all the darkness and chaos there is this relatively peaceful super glowing thing, I think that is such a good picture for how inspiring Berlin is. That's an aspect of Berlin that I find super exciting, this extreme contrast of sweet and colorful and mean and dirty and bitter and gray.

adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok
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SNS: Can you be more creative in Berlin than anywhere else? M: Definitively, yes. I can be more creative here in Berlin, not only in comparison to Munich but also to London or other places where I have lived. Here in Berlin you have relatively little pressure financially and altogether the well-known attitude here is that everyone does their thing. Its maybe a bit cliché, but at the same time it is also super handy for you, because you can sit at home relatively unconcerned and sometimes don't call anybody for 3 days and just work, and quite simply, because you can pay your rent.

SNS: Is Berlin different from the other cities you visit, is Berlin special for you? M: Berlin is sort of like your super unpretentious homie, all other cities are kind of pushy, and they want to communicate a message or an idea. In Berlin no one says „hello“ to you, but that is the chilled part, you will be left alone, that's what makes Berlin so unique to me, it's anonym. The place where you can be anonymous and a little bit grumpy without anyone having a problem with it.

adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok

SNS: You are working with people from all over the world, is the exchange with other people important to you and enhances your creativity? M: I'm primarily a solo act, but I think the idea of collaborating is extremely important. It probably comes from my background that I've been playing in bands, jazz bands, rock bands and other different formations. I just think that one develops much faster artistically when one collaborates all the time because you are basically in a feedback loop when you make collaborations, and if you come out of it you are 2 kilometers further. While if you are always alone at home and your only feedback is when you release something and then hear what people say, that is just a reaction to the whole presentation of your output and not an honest reaction to a cool little idea. And that's why I find collaborating extremely important as a learning process for every artist. On top of that, because I like pop music, it makes sense to me working with vocalists or rappers.

SNS: How did it happen that you collaborate so much internationally?* M: The Internet helps and accelerates and amplifies everything, but it is always based on a real scene, where you also see each other in person, that’s why I try to meet with everyone in person.

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adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok

SNS: So, is producing pop music the next step for you? Or are you just expanding your personal portfolio to a broader spectrum? M: Personally, I do not believe in the idea that there are many genres, but that there is more of a handwriting you have, and you can have it by making a house-track or a radio pop banger or an ambient song. I think, if someone defines his aesthetics in the first place, then you can do any form of genre and you can hear straight away that this this person has produced that song. The goal is to create a brand I guess, with which you can make any form of things.

SNS: The adidas Nite Jogger reveals it’s glowing effect in the night, how is it with you and your work and creativity, do you prefer to make music at night or day? M: At night. During the day I always have the feeling that I am available, which means that it would be weird if I do not answer the phone, it would be weird if I do not reply to a message, or it would be weird if I do not go to college. During the day you have this social concept of availability that somehow imposes itself on you and at night it is socially acknowledged that one is not available and that is why the night is a zone in which you can do absolutely what you want and can take any time. You can do the same thing 5 times repeatedly for 3 hours without being questioned. The efficiency of your work or the availability of you is less criticized because you are just a lot freer.

SNS: Do you think that you produce differently during day and night? M: During the day (producing) is just like a job, if you just need to mix something or if you have something almost done, and it's just about arranging it and then send it to the label or render stuff to the right format or whatever, upload something, that's the daytime. At night I start experimenting and discovering new things that I would not have thought of before. At night the mysterious things happen, where you are not sure what comes out, and that is the core part of the whole work that you get new ideas.

SNS: Do you enjoy playing at the club at night or are you more of a studio producer? M: I would say it’s a 50/50 thing. I think this social and performing aspect of the work is super cool, that you go out, meet people and then overcomes your fear and perform for them. In any case, that's half of the fun, without it I would not have the motivation to go through with it, neither would solely performing be it, then I would not be happy either, that's really a half studio and half club situation.

adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok

SNS: Do you like going out at night? M: Yes, because of my circle of friends. If you have a few friends that make music and play from time to time you quickly have this 3-times-a-week rhythm of going out, that's where you have to take care of yourself and stay at home. That's almost more difficult than to find things where to go.

SNS: Do you run out of creativity when you go out or does it help? M: That totally dependents. When it's in a phase where I'm going out too much, definitely inhibiting. You're just too wasted to do things, really simple speaking, and in a period where it's well balanced, definitely enhancing. When I see someone perform or DJ that I have never seen before or a friend plays a set that I did not expect or, when I see some magical moments during a show, then I come home, and it´s just “wow”, it's time to do something cool again, then you have a certain amount of energy.

adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok

SNS: You have released on great labels such as Public Possession, how important is musical output for you? M: I think it's essential that in a certain regularity things get released, simply because otherwise as an artist you have no other structure that forces you to get ready and be done with it. Presenting a final product is also a good challenge that helps you. For me it's enough to release something once a year or sometimes even less because it's more important for me to release something where I think that is really the best song I've done in the last 12 months. There are enough other things to do, for example, collaborations or remixes or edits, to fill in between the main releases.

*SNS: What did come to your mind when you saw the adidas Nite Jogger and tried it on for the first time? * M: I mean the first thing I thought was probably the shoe looks like it was invisible at night except for those little reflective elements which will look pretty cool when you're running because it just creates those blurry lines. On top of that, it is really comfortable and light

adidas Nite Jogger – Introducing Mechatok
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