Castro Clifton for SNS LA

We had the pleasure to sit down with creative and LA native, Castro Clifton. We explore everything from his experience growing up in Los Angeles to starting his own brand HomeGrown. Peer into Castro's world through a curation of photographs, selected exclusively for SNS LA.

Photo Feb 24, 5 37 03 PM

SNS LA : Castro! Let's begin with who you are, where you're from and what you do.

Castro : Who am I? To keep it simple, I’m a 28 year old Black man from West Los Angeles. To go a little deeper, I’m an artist with a focus on photography, fashion, and retail. 

SNS LA : What does the city of Los Angeles mean to you and how does it play a role in your repertoire of work?

Castro : Los Angeles is my Home. I love being from here. There isn’t a place in the world I’ve been that has made me consider relocating. The list of roles LA plays in my work could go on and on. LA gives me comfort but never so much where I’m not feeling constantly inspired to keep pushing the envelope. My peers, billboards spreading from Inglewood to Hollywood, or a simple Bentley coupe driving past in traffic inspire me daily.  When commissioned for work, it helps knowing the lay of the land, as well as its key players, which are usually only a phone call or two away. The “real” LA is respected all over the world, so when I’m in different cities or countries there’s this natural respect that exists. In business, and life in general, respect goes a long way; sometimes all the way to the bank in net 5 or upon receipt.

Photo Dec 26, 3 48 35 PM

SNS LA : What changes have you seen occur in your hometown? Positive and negative. 

Castro: Aside from gentrification, and the alterations in business management due to COVID-19, South West LA, which is my realm, hasn’t really changed much in my eyes. Rather, I have changed as a person. I’ve gotten older, wiser, and more heavily involved in the community, which has made me realize things on this side of town have stayed the same for a long time.

Photo Oct 29, 9 44 58 PMPhoto Dec 04, 11 32 48 AM

SNS LA : You're the co-owner of your own brand HomeGrown. Can you walk us through how you got there? 

Castro : Long story and this isn’t even everything… The story goes back to high school when I got my first internship doing product photography for Conveyor, a Sneaker shop inside of Fred Segal Santa Monica. My first connection with the shop was with Ricky Chavarria who has become my Brother and Co-Owner of HomeGrown. I wanted to work there so bad because they sold BBC, my all-time favorite brand. Time went on and I worked for Conveyor at Fred Segal doing retail and brushing shoulders with people from all walks of life, including photographers, models, stylists, designers, and people just like me, who aspired to be part of this street fashion subculture. I left Fred Segal for a while to focus on photography with a company called 3peat LA (OG Bape / BBC / streetwear, high fashion reseller IYKYK). I worked with them doing product and editorial photography where I was able to log in many hours taking product and editorial pictures and examining clothes. It was there where I gained a greater sense of understanding and even deeper appreciation for the industry. I eventually outgrew the company and started focusing solely on editorial photography….OK, I got fired but that’s not here nor there... moving on! Fred Segal opened back up on Sunset about 7-8 months later. Even though I was getting booked by companies like Nike, Undefeated, Adidas etc. as a freelancer, I took a job there that involved tagging product and taking out the trash. It felt like I was a dog going home but now with all this new found knowledge. My plan was to come fresh as fuck to work everyday until I got put on the sales floor. Once that happened, along with Ricky who was a manager at this new location, I would figure out how to launch a brand within the Fred Segal walls. Yeah, there are more details but eventually that plan came to fruition. Homegrown began as a curation of brands, mainly from LA. All the founders are people Rick and I have met over the years cruising around industry parties all over the country and world. The main focus of HomeGrown is to give brands a spotlight in a store and space that allows them to grow and gain exposure to a larger audience. We are now in the works of dropping a full HomeGrown collection this year so be on the lookout.

Photo Jan 28, 9 43 52 AMPhoto Jun 20, 1 03 03 PMPhoto Jan 27, 10 55 52 PM

SNS LA : You've shot for and with major players in our industry. Do you have any favorites and if so, why? 

Castro : The Nike LA Air Force 1 campaign. It was my favorite because they gave me and my friends full creative control for models and location. On top of that, it made me feel like a real key player in my hometown. To me, it was proof that my life and lifestyle could act as a glimpse into who and what LA is all about.

Photo Dec 04, 11 30 58 AM

SNS LA : What can we expect from you in the near future and what are you most excited for? 

Castro : In the near future, you can expect me to be working more than ever on both personal and contracted photography and design work. I’m most excited about this first real HomeGrown collection, which will feature bubble coats and raw denim, as well as home goods and amazing content from myself and other creatives involved in our circle.

Photo Apr 25, 10 17 50 PMPhoto Feb 23, 8 50 48 AM

SNS LA : Anything you want to end with?

Castro : Sure, why not. Drink water, wash your hands, work out, make your bed everyday and don’t be scared to ask for help.

Photography courtesy of Castro Clifton

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