SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe IMG + TXT
SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe IMG + TXT
SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe

At the end of last year, we caught up with singer-songwriter Morgan Munroe where she told us a bit about some of her latest work including her new EP Layers 0.5 and the creative processes behind it. She also spoke about her favourite sneakers as well as what she's been doing to stay productive through the current pandemic. Check out the interview below!

All images by Bryan Ngay

SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe INTV + GIF

SNS: Hey Morgan, How you doing today?

Morgan: I’m all good thank you!

SNS: Give us a quick intro on who you are and what you do?

Morgan: I’m a music artist, sitting comfortably in the RnB realm

SNS: What first got you into music and how would you describe the transition/development into the music that you typically create nowadays?

Morgan: I’ve been singing since I was very little and I just naturally fell into doing music as I grew up. It was the only thing I was actively drawn to doing from a young age. I don’t think there was a big transition or anything I’ve never been one to put barriers or labels on my music, I just create what I feel like and through that experimentation I’ve been able to find my sound.

SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe INTV + GIF
SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe IMG + INTV
SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe IMG + INTV

SNS: You recently released a new single & music video « Mama Taught me » , can you tell us about the creative process behind it?

Morgan: I wrote mama taught me in my bedroom, it was the first song id wrote after about a year of not writing actually. Originally I had a different beat but during lockdown I decided to ask Ruby Francis ( a sick artist and producer,) to reproduce it and she said yeah so during lockdown we communicated through Instagram cause we couldn’t obviously get in the studio together at the time, and yeah that’s how the song came to be.

SNS: What is your favourite project you worked on and why?

Morgan: I think it’s the current one I’m working on atm cause I can hear the potential of how it’s gonna sound when it’s done and I’m confident it’s gonna be my best work yet which excites me, Plus it’s been sick meeting and working with proper talented musicians and artists along the way!

SNS: Being a woman in the music industry, what challenges have you faced? And how did you overcome them?

Morgan: Any challenges I’ve faced in the industry because of being a woman have been overcome by hard work, perseverance and professionalism. If you work hard and smart enough people will take you seriously and respect your graft.

SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe INTV + IMG 2

SNS: What advice would you give to someone that wants to become a singer?

Morgan: Practise practise practise, work hard, put yourself out there, don’t be afraid to fail.

SNS: During these hard times (pandemic), how have you managed to stay productive and active?

Morgan: I’m a busy body anyway so I’ve just tried to stay active by finding literally anything at all to do, I was doing anything from music (a lot of music) to decorating the house to doing macramé lol!

SNS: What can we expect from you in the next 6 months?

Morgan: In the next 6 months I’m aiming to be in the midst of my next project release, ill have a couple singles out in the new year too!

SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe INTV + IMG 2
SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe IMG + INTV 3
SNS LDNers feat. Morgan Munroe IMG + INTV 3

SNS: Let’s change the subject a little and talk about sneakers, what is your favourite pair of trainers you ever owe?

Morgan: I dunno if they’re classed as trainers but i love my white Timberlands I think they’d have to be my fave.

SNS: What’s in your current sneaker rotation at the moment?

Morgan: Ooo at the minute I’m wearing my Nike Air Max TN’s a lot and my Nike Air Max 97’s too.

SNS: Thank you for your time, is there anything you would like to close out on?

Morgan: Follow the journey!

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